Heliport adalah tempat pendaratan dan lepas landas helikopter di daratan (surface level heliport), di atas gedung (elevated heliport)…
Category: Knowledge
Wind Direction Indicator atau Windsock
Wind Direction Indicator (WDI) atau juga dikenal dengan Windsock adalah sebuah instrumen berbentuk kerucut terpotong berbahan kain…
Tentang Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting
Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) merupakan unit khusus di bandara yang memberikan layanan penyelamatan dan pemadaman kebakaran…
Apa itu Airport Tax?
Belakangan sedang ramai pembahasan tentang Airport Tax yang naik di banyak bandara di Indonesia. Sebenarnya apa sih Airport Tax itu?
Mengenal IATA Airport Codes
Tiga huruf tersebut adalah IATA Airport Code, yaitu tiga huruf alfanumerik yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi bandara-bandara di seluruh…
O'Hare Airport: Airport with the Most Runways in the World
Bandara O’Hare (ORD) adalah bandara yang berlokasi di kota Chicago, Negara Bagian Ilinois di Amerika Serikat. Di tahun 2021 Bandara O’Hare…
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), eVTOL, and Vertiport
In recent years Advanced Air Mobility (AAM), eVTOL, and Vertiport have become technologies actively developed by developed countries...
Aircraft Carrier, The Floating Air Base
According to Law No. 1 of 2009 concerning Aviation, an airport is an area on land and/or waters with certain boundaries...
Airport Operation and Development with Multi-Airport System.
The traffic growth at an airport, in general, will increase from year to year in line with the economic development of the city or country...
Beijing-Daxing International Airport Will Be One Of The Busiest Airports In The World
Beijing Daxing International Airport is the largest airport in the People's Republic of China and, in the future, will be one of the busiest airports in the world...